So, they all got here yesterday. Hopeful CITs from around Northern California bright-eyed and excited to learn how to be Counselors at Camp Noel Porter. There are 21 vibrant young men and women who love camp so much that they are ready to come and serve our campers.
When they arrived yesterday, there was a lot of nervousness but it was quickly overcome when they found old friends and welcomed in our 2 first-time campers.
We had a delicious dinner (the traditional one) of spaghetti and then discussed the rules for camp. But the highlight of the night was campfire. It is amazing that we remember all the songs and that we fell into our routine of campfire. We still sing Kumbya, Climbing Jacob's Ladder, Day is Done, and Our Father... and of course, Pass it On. Our CITs are learning how it is different to be a counselor at campfire - a lot different from their days as campers.
We have a really diverse group of CITs, each one of them a wonderful addition to our summer camp family. We ask your prayers as they step into their new leadership roles.
Rev Jenni
TOMORROW: Commons beach, another campfire, and... wildlife?
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