Monday, August 22, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer Camp is done for 2011

Well, we are about 10 days from the last day of Camp...sad
We had a great summer and it was so much fun!!  We'll be updating our website and Facebook pages to link to our pictures and back again.

Please note: Labor Day Camp has been canceled due to lack of participants...sad, too

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Oktoberfest on Oct 15th at St John's, Roseville.  Call the office for more information 530-583-3014

Here's wishing you a good second half of August... May God bless you.... and go watch Picnic and Dirty Dancing for some of that end of summer vibe.

Rev Jenni+

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday Jr. High Camp

Challenge Day!
I filled up probably close to a million water balloons (for throwing purposes) and woke up extra early, well, 10 minutes early, to fill our famous Dishboy Lake for muddy Tug of Rope (Muddy Bears for desert, quite appropriate if you ask me.) Jesus’ Speed Demons took it away with first place, challenge end time of 3:28. Dance, dance, danced the night away. Good last day to a great week!  Emily

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday July 21

Today was Beanie Weenie Day! We started with breakfast and tent/camp chores. Then, we painted clay and got ready for the beach. At the beach we ate Beanies and weenies (both beef and veggie), sunbathed, and some people even swam! After a peaceful FOB, we did session, led by the wonderful Kacei Conyers. After session was dinner. We had hamburgers, artfully grilled by our Dishboy team! Yum! I did tent inspections today and for the first time this summer, a girl’s tent won! After dinner, we watched some of a Harry Potter movie and then had church and campfire. After lights out, we had our Counselor-Staff party led by Emily Cordi and Mikey Johnson. It was 50’s themed and there were great competitive games played. All in all, it was a grand day. - <3 Shelby

Junior High Camp 2011 - Wednesday

Today was an interesting day.  We decided to have a Renaissance Faire including slaying the cardboard dragon, aka Hannah, to save the damsel in distress, me!  There was LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) and a competition to see who could win the most money.
Matthew won the LARPing competition and Mark had the most money.  Jenna won third place in LARPing.  All three got to sit at a special table at dinner!

After dinner was Crazy Olympics.  Our theme this week was Decades.  So the kids dressed like they were from any decade of their choosing.  We mad forts and had a dance competition before we played a camp classic, Dizzy Bat.  And after that we had the Super secret sweat dance, which I thought was a bunch of fun!


Junior High Camp 2011 - Sunday

Hello! Today was the start of another amazing week here at Camp Noel Porter. This week is our Junior High age group (7th, 8th, and 9th grades) so the week is sure to be an interesting one. Today went pretty smoothly with the usual opening day line up: Check in, name tags, games, FOB, rules, dinner (SPAGHETTI!!!!), birdies and perches, and of course, the first campfire of the week. At dinner time we could definitely tell these kids were hungry, the dining hall was practically silent as they ate! Which is just a little different from the deafening roar we normally experience at meal times. I'm personally really excited for this week. A lot of returning campers who I've got to watch grow through the years are here for their last week as a camper before attending CT next year, and all of the new campers are really cool and fit in to our family perfectly. Plusssss, this week the theme for session is Harry Potter, and I can't wait to talk about how those stories can teach us a lot about God and spiritual gifts. It's going to be an excellent week!
Loooooovvveeee, Jessie

Monday, July 18, 2011

Junior Camp 2011 - Friday

Today was a crazy day at Camp Noel Porter! The day progressed as usual, breakfast, chores church, and lunch; but the focus of the day, as usual, was the challenge! For those of you who do not know, the challenge is our weekly course of games including an obstacle course, a water transfer, trivia, a parachute game, and a water fight! Following all of this, there is a tug-a-war over our mud pit, or dish Boy Lake. Needless to say, the kids had a blast and it was the whole days talk. At night, we had our carnival, where kids could win prizes and have a blast. It was another fun and excitement filled day at CNP! 


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Junior Camp 2011 - Tuesday

This week is our first and only junior session of the summer. We went to a closer beach, called Gatekeeper beach, and basically had a picnic.  Even though it was a very hot day, the pine trees kept us in the shade, and the water was freezing! I don't think many kids went to swim today. After the beach, we had FOB, which was very relaxing after a long time in the sun. After FOB, Deacon Dave told us a Russian story about animals, then he split campers into tent groups to work on skits dealing with spiritual gifts.  After that we played steal the bacon and musical chairs. It was also taco night, which was delicious!  We had vanilla pudding for desert. Ultimately it was a very successful day :)


Monday, July 11, 2011

Junior Camp 2011-Sunday

Today was the start of our first Junior week!  There was a hint of foreshadowing for the rest of the week as we had an hour long rush of kids during registration.

The usual Sunday game of Birdies& Perches was a great success!  The kids danced to songs by Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber and Ke$ha.

Campfire went swimmingly (except for the fire itself - but we got that sorted out eventually) and it was a quiet first night.

Love, Sammy

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Headed toward August

Traditionally, Beginner Camp has marked the middle of the road in our summer adventures here at Camp Noel Porter.  We have 4 more weeks of camp left this summer...sad...

But even though our time is growing shorter (the scene from Dirty Dancing comes to mind- where Max Kellerman is talking with Jake Houseman about the end of the summer, the end of places like Kellerman's, the end of those magical summers- comes to mind today) we still have lots and lots of adventures to have.

Beginning tomorrow, we start Junior Camp - 4th, 5th, and 6th graders will be here - as will Deacon Dave Farrell from Holy Trinity in Nevada City.  We have 31 campers registered and we hope the weather will stay beautiful and that we'll have all kinds of wonderful adventures!

Please keep praying for us as we await the arrival of our next group of campers!


Album link

Here is a link to our online web albums:


Beginner Camp -Friday

Our short time with our youngest campers is quickly coming to an end.  It's so great to watch them having such a wonderful time exploring, discovering, and growing!

Our mosaic!  Just like...
Today we had session with Canon Britt Olson, the Canon to the Ordinary, where we made a mosaic collage of the Loaves and Fishes story from Mark's Gospel, sung lots of fun songs at chapel, played lots of messy wet campers ant the Challenge, painted with finger paints, and topped off our night with a carnival with face painting and snow cones!

Everyone should sleep well tonight!

Tomorrow morning everyone heads back home, tired, muddy, and hopefully happy and ready to come back and have more fun with us next year!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beginner Camp 2011 - Wednesday

Helloooo there from CNP! Well my personal favorite week of the summer began today... BEGINNER CAMP! All of the kids are super cute and having so much fun. Yesterday was a little eventful, as we had a thunderstorm hit right during FOB. But we just moved inside Moreland Hall and had activities inside for the rest of the day. During the big group FOB inside there was quite the nail painting session, and an intense discussion of Pokemon. After FOB we played Birdies and Perches and then had our traditional first night dinner of spaghetti. Campfire was inside Moreland Hall due to the weather, but we lit the fireplace and had a grand old time anyway. Bedtime is a little earlier this week, and I'm exhausted so I'm just fine with that. I'm looking forward to another day with these crazy, lovable kids tomorrow!